Friday, January 25, 2013

Hilo! :P

I just wanted to show you random pics of my life. You already know I love taking pictures of myself and random shit lol. xD soooo here is goes. (Oh yeah another thing is that Nadinola is working for me so much! My skin is so clear and smooth and nice. :P)

This really sweet lady that lives in my apartment neighborhood is a baker and she randomly just gave me and my sister these delicious sweets! <3 :D I love nice people like her! These sweets are sooooo delicious! especially the Red Velvet Cupcakes and Peanut Butter Cookies! Omg!!!! O.O <3333 Heavenly. I'm not a big fan of rolls like Cinnamon Roll s and King's Cake! But omg she mad me think twice about my dislike of them. lol xD Thanks sweet lady :) I'm sooo going to go to her bake sells and buy a dozen of those red velvet cupcakes! Yuuuuuummmmm!!!

While grubbing on those delicious sweets, I was watching one of  my favorite youtube gamers Pewdiepie!  He is an adorable Swedish man that plays horror games!!!! XD he is soooo fuckin hilarious! And I watch his  videos almost everyday!

I have to say thanks to my sister for letting me wear her Doctor Who shirt!! <3 I love this shirt its sooo cute! That night I got so fucked up!!! I went to my friend Sandra house and had a fuckin blast!  I'm such a lightweight!! I barely remember anything from that night I just remember it was hilarious! My friends took alot of videos and pictures! LOOOORD! I saw them and I was laughing and embarrass! xD But heeey it was gooooood night ;)

I had the munchies after that fiasco!!! LOL so yeah I just enjoyed my snacks!! I loooove Jamaicaaaaa<3!!!

That night I went to hang out with my friends to eat Subway and talk about the party we had on that Sunday! were laughing and watching the videos! We also went to Sally's and omg I finally found an awesome hair products that is natural and smells like Pina Colada! It's the Shea Moisture Curls Enchaning Smoothie. I heard so many reviews about this product! AND OMG I LOVE IT! I will you guys a review about that next post until then bye my lovesssss :-*

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Skincare Products!

I'm so happy I finally woke up today with no horrible blemishes and felt wonderful to see my face at least half decent!!! x) I still do have dark spots on my face, but Nadinola seems to be working pretty fuckin good!   And it's only been the second day o.o imagine a whole month of using that shit! Baaaaaam! Gorgeous, radiant, glowingly, clear skin! :D anyways I wanted show you the products on my face to show you chicas what I use to keep my skin looking better each day!

I love this face scrub! It doesn't irritate my skin and make it all red at all. My skin feels so smooth and so moisturized. The little sandy grains are not itchy or big, they are the perfect size. This is a wonderful product! 4.99 Ralphs <3

I love the smell of this product. It makes my face feel fresh and its a great morning starter! It takes away all the dirt and oil defiantly, it can be a bit drying, but that's why its always good to use a really good skin moisturizer/lotion.
$3-$5 Ralphs

I heard so many good review about Cetaphil products and I was so happy to get this product. I got this alooooong time ago and I still use it everyday! It keep my skin soooo moist all day long. I reccomended this product to anyone. Cetaphil can be a bit pricey but it's so worth! 
$7-$13 Ralphs ,Walgreens,Drugstore.

This is another product that I heard that is effin fabulous for your skin! Especially acne prone people like myself. Use this bad boy everyday/everynight and you will see your least and least pimples everyday. Not only that this bar of soap is not drying at all. It keeps your skin so moist and soft that you really don't need any lotion afterwards! I recommended this product to everybody. It's wonderful! super love <3333
$2-$4 Target.

As you probably already know I have dark spots and I use these products to fade them away. I used Pond's Clarant B3 for like 2 weeks and I didn't see that much improvement, it actually got my skin to breakout a bit more to be honest :/ but I haven't but It did say I have to use this product for 4 weeks to see a major difference but yah it was $12.99 at Ralphs a bit pricey! but I rather reccomended Nadinola!!! I only used this for 2 days I see a difference already! and be careful don't use it all over your face just use in your problem areas! ;3 It was $7.99 at a local beauty supply store. 

As you can see I just use the Nadinola on my problem areas. ( forgot some areas) lol I dont want my whole face color to change just wanted my scars to fade. but anyways I will keep you guys updated! 
LOVE YOU GUYS! :-* <3 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

I hope this shit works!

Heeeeeeey! So I just bought a new skin product called Nadinola! I heard so many wonderful reviews about it so I really hope its works. This product supposedly fades away dark acne spots, or any type of unwanted spots like age spots or freckles. The one that I bought Formula is very strong so I have to be careful and ony use it on the spots that need the treatment cuz If I put it on my face like it is lotion than my face will be lighter and brighter than the sun!!! xD And I don't want that to happen I just want it to fade away this the dark spots on my face. :)

I will defiantly keep you guys updated to see if this work miracles for me. To show you the beginning of journey I will have to show you how bad my acne scars are like. I'm so tired of feeling ugly about myself. I want clear and beautiful skin and I really hope this works for me. but anyways here are some of my pics. :/

As you can see I have horrible dark spots left from acne. Please and I meann PLEEEASSSSE NEVER POP YOUR PIMPLES! unless you want to worry about the aftermath for years! I know its hard not to pop your pimple but you must not. Here a picture that I edited a bit so you can see it more in a warmer light.
The only good thing about this is that It's red dark spots so they wont take forever to fade but the darkest ones like super black brown takes years to fade! But if I use this product everyday and keep my fuckin hands to myself. then maybe JUST MAYBE! I will have clear skin by the end of this year! :D <33333
What helps to is to drink water and eat healthier! <3 :D

Anywaaaaays I just want to show you my new recipe book that I'm loving in this moment. It's the Food Network Mag '1,000 Easy Recipes' book :D So many amazing and mouthwatering recipes! yum yum yum!!! :D and I miss baking and cooking and all that jazz so I cant wait to try out these awesome recipes! <333

Bye chicaaaas! I'll keep updated <3 peace. :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Clear Skin???

So looking back in some of my pictures in 2012, I actually had some type improvement in my skin. I had really good skin. Like it wasn't flawless but you have to understand me having acne and pimples everyday since I was 9 and only have 2 baby pimples is a miracle! I just wanted to show my awesome improvvements of last year. Today my skin is alright I just it becomes this "flawless" again soon (DRINK WATER) ....fine :P

Derp face! hahaha but yaaah I want my skin to get this clear again!!!! but mostly i just need to rid of my dark spots so I'm hoping Clarant B3 works! I'm on my second week and haven't really yet but it says in the 4th week I really in the 4th week i see some awesome improvements til so long chicaaas and chicos ;3

Monday, January 14, 2013

Red Velvet Ice Cream!!! OMG!

Lately I've been obsessed with Red Velvet Ice Cream!!! <3 It's sooooo fuckin delicious! :D OMG Now I'm craving it! But not only that but Like I've been craving Ice Cream for soo long now I eat Ice Cream like everyday now! So you let me show you a few Ice Creams that I'm loving in the moment!! <3333333

1. Red Velvet Ice Cream! It taste like a rich heaven of diamonds and sexy hot boys playing soccer in your mouth......okay that sounds weiiird but That's how I can describe it! It's a wonderful treat and it makes me happy and satisfied. ;3

2. Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream from Ben&Jerry!!!! Looooooord <3333 I'm in love please try this it taste EXACTLY like Strawberry Cheesecake...I dont even like Strawberry Cheesecake like that but thank to my mom's mistake ( she bought the wrong ice cream). I am in Heaven mode! I give this 5 titty sprinkles! 

3. Java Chocolate Chip Starbucks Ice Cream! Love it.

4. Strawberry Ice Cream from Haagen Dazs! <3333 Out of all these ice creams this one, this regular ass strawbeey ice cream is my favorite! <3 It's amazing. I love the Strawberry chunks and the creamy situation in my mouth ;3 lol. it's fuckin amazing! In love with this one. I will marry this shit okay! ;D

 Ice cream is my new Sex, I haven't gotten laid for like month and 6 days now and I'm going crazy with this ice cream stuff and like seriously so it just all horniess.........
yah, But why can't I just get both. sigh* I'm going to eat some Ice cream but I'm craving xD looooord. and I actually lost weigth...doesnt make any sense lol okay bye.