Thursday, July 18, 2013

Getting my body back on track!

So I recently found alot of my old pictures and videos of me when I was 18 years old....3 years ago.I never realized how much my body changed. I was really skinny to compared what I am now. I am more curvy and my thigh are big and growing a toosh but it's not bad at all. I like that I put on a bit of weight but I just don't wanna get bigger you feel me. I want my curvy body to be toned the fuck out! lol  I want it really nice and fit. BUT the waaay to do that is Eat right/ healthy and workout. There is no other way to get the results that I want. I recently watched this youtube video of my favorite fitness trainer Her name is Kym!!! <3 her Youtube channel is called  KymNonStop. Her body is so cut and so on point it's ridiculous!! lol Her recent video was talking about "Setting your Goals". Bascially to write your goals down and take action! Never give up, its hard but its so worth it! To not compare yourself to others people bodies and just worry about your body goals.  That video was a gooood reminder for myself! I want to have my body in tip top shape. I want to feel good and have confidence at the beach but not only there but when I have a new outfit to wear or when I look in the mirror. It's never to late! As much as I love Pizza and Cheeseburgers I gotta do what I gotta do! I need to find new healthy recipes and a workout I would like to do! I realized im not really into the "gym" fitness. I like more of cardio, dance blast workouts (since I love dancing) like ZUMBA!!! some yoga and pilates of course. I know I can do this! I just gotta to believe in myself and just take action! and of course NEVER GIVE UP!!! :D

Before: Me when I was 18 years old! <3 my prime time lol I was obsess with becoming a model for a career and I always wanted to be a Victoria Secret Model like every other girl in the world lol xD

My body now is like.....

I mean it's not bad at all! I just want to be moooore tone and fit! but yeah my dream is mission impossible but it is gonna take alot of work! and I'm down!! :3

Love Tia!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Protein Hair Mask

Heeeey! I just wanted to stop by and share with you guys this awesome simple hair recipe that made my hair from dry, crispy, crunchy hair to moisturized, curly defined shiny hair!!!! :D
I struggle having dry ass hair. omg! it doesn’t matter how much water I put on my hair it will become dry within an hour. lol  but this recipe wooooorrrrk miracles! I had this in for about 2 hours now and it feels still amazing! so soft, so moisturized ^.^ anywaaaay lets get to it!
It’s simple protein hair mask.
  • 5 tablespoons of Olive Oil ( it’s best to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • 2 eggs ( I used organic eggs)
  • 3 tablespoon of mayo ( I used Mayo with Olive oil)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Part your hair into sections. Smother your hair with this awesome recipe from roots to ends. Wait for 25 mins so it soaking in every hair particle. Rinse out thoroughly so you won’t have any egg or mayo bits in your hair.

Enjoy your soft shiny bouncy curly moisturized hair !!!
Peace! <3